garbage man

walk over this thresholds of fire, lets leave this all behind.
lets leave this dirty, dirty town.
far away from every little day that hurts, across this ghost.
for every smile that fades away a new blow lingers on.
for every tear you cry a black dart hits its ground.
this town.
every little piece that fall from this body stands in dept to stay.
every little piece that fall from this body lingers on this dirty streets.
every little piece that fall from this body is dead already.
how can this street possible be worth walkin if you refuse to hold on?
promise you never let go, promise me youre embrace keeps holing on.
didnt you know im only half body without youre embrace?
this town is only half everytime you cry out solong.
promise me you´ll stay.
i can stand the blow, the dart, the hurt, the ghost, this old streets.
as long as you colour my sheets.


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